Citation Details

Information Required:-

Company Owner/Contact Person:

Business Name (use the EXACT company name as in MyCompany, Inc. consistently across all submissions. Do not mix it up with variations like MyCompany, LLC or MyCompany Corp. or just MyCompany):

Street Address:

Suite/Office (if any):



Zip/Postal Code:

Business Primary Phone Number:

Toll Free # (if any):

Fax# (if any):

Business Category #1 (at least one is required):

Business Category #2:

Business Category #3:

Website Address:

Primary Email Address :

Secondary Email Address (if any):

Brands you sell or use (if any):

Products/Services – comma separated up to 200 characters :

Year Established:

Hours of Operation:

Languages Spoken:

Payment Methods Accepted:

Tagline (if any):

Company logo: (have a digital copy handy to add to sites that ask for it and/or have a URL for one)

Service Areas (cities, counties states or radius from your office – e.g within 50 miles of my office):

Contractor#/License# (if any) :

Business Images (have handy some examples of your work that you can add to the listings and/or have a URLs for them) :

Company owner picture (have a digital copy handy to add to sites that ask for it and/or have a URL for it):

Video URL’s (if you have a YouTube account, get the code for any videos that you would like to include on your site:

Short description of your business – no more than 200 characters

Long description of your business – length varies by website

That’s it

 If u don’t have, then leave it Blank.